Behaviour Support for Parents

We recognise how important parent involvement is to the success of child outcomes. We want to equip our families with evidence-based strategies so they can feel confident in managing and supporting their child’s behaviour in all settings. We offer foundational training and behaviour support for parents, which teaches broadly on behaviour management and building communication skills. Additionally, we offer a consultative training model where we individualise training specific to the strategies that will work best with your child.

Behaviour 101: A Parent’s Guide to ABA

Why autism training for parents is essential?

We believe in empowering parents with the knowledge and skills to support their child’s development. Our behavioural and autism training for parents’ programs equip parents with strategies to promote positive behaviour, facilitate learning, and enhance their child’s overall well-being.

There are several important reasons why we advocate for parent involvement in the therapy program:

  • Research shows that parental involvement in ABA promotes even greater gains for the child.
  • You provide critical insight and information that will help guide the development of the ABA program.
  • You can provide opportunities for your child to practice learnt skills across the day outside of the therapy context.
  • You can generalise learnt skills across a range of different areas including people, environments, materials, and language – the importance of generalization in your child’s ABA program cannot be emphasised enough.
  • You can help your child communicate more effectively by making use of the same communication system used during therapy, whether it is vocal, sign language, PECS, or other AAC such as a speech-generating device.
  • The best reductions in challenging behaviour are achieved when parents, ABA therapists, and other people who often interact with the child respond to the behaviour in the same way.

Parent’s engagement in a child’s life is essential when developing an intervention program.

Lizard Behaviour Support and Autism Training for Parents Options

At Lizard, we offer several different kinds of behaviour support for parents which have beneficial components for you and your child. We rely on strong parental input to help us build a tailored program for each child.

Behavioural Consultation | Behaviour Support for Parents

Parents receive ongoing coaching from their Behaviour Support Specialist or assistant as part of the therapy program at Lizard. Behaviour Support Specialists offer behaviour support for parents to learn how to teach new skills, effectively prevent, and respond to behaviours of concern and address common issues with eating, sleeping and toilet training. Consultations take a variety of forms and may occur during clinic meetings, in-centre sessions, home visits or via real time remote video observation.

Making it Work at Home: Parent Training 101

The first three months of every therapy program at the Lizard Centre includes autism training for parents conducted by one of our Behaviour Support Specialists, which covers topics including:

  • How to understand and prevent behaviour of concern.
  • How to promote communication at home.
  • How to support your child’s therapy program to maximise impact of learning.
  • And how to build your child’s independence.

We offer plenty of practical tips for parents to implement straight away and provide lots of time for questions and answers. Parents leave the workshop with a better understanding of the how to incorporate ABA into their parenting outside of structured therapy sessions.

Contact us for more information

Find out how behaviours of concern can be addressed to give your child a better chance to learn. Get our Parent Info Pack and a free phone consultation to find out the range of options available for your child’s unique situation.

Call us on 1300 752 617

Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm (AEST)