Our Vision
At Lizard, we are united by a common vision to ensure all children have the best possible chance of reaching their full potential through early intensive childhood intervention.
We seek to understand the needs of your family and child, support you in your decision making, and collaborate with you in setting goals. We are passionate about ensuring the best outcomes for our families and are always eager to improve on our services following any feedback.
Our Service Commitments
We strive to stand by our commitments to you, which include providing you with:
A dedicated team of
administration and clinical
staff who are compassionate,
reliable and flexible – who
have received training
designed to provide clients
with the support they need.
We work with each
client, measuring progress and
supporting them to achieve
their goals through DIGI, our
digital platform.
Tracking of goals
and review of progress
against goals in real time
(through DIGI).
National Intake and
NDIS Liaison Manager, Centre
Managers and Senior
Centre Clinicians work to track
and implement improvements
focused on supporting clients get
more out of life.
Our Services
The Lizard Centre is recognised as one of Australia’s leading provider of effective evidence-based intervention programs for young children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD’s) and/or Developmental Delays. We specialise in Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) Therapy.
We offer:
- ABA Programs
- Social Skills Programs
- The RUBI Autism Network Parent Training for Disruptive Behaviour Speech and Language
Our Values
Our service model focusses on four core values:
We act with integrity and empathy and recognise the important of fostering trust, respect and a sense of community.
We are innovative problem solvers who challenge ourselves with the belief that there is always a better way of doing things.
We understand our obligations to clients and always understand them with professionalism and consistency.
We listen to and acknowledge our clients, allowing us to anticipate or react to their care and therapy needs promptly.
You Can Help Us By
- Sharing the goals you set for your child so we can work with you to achieve them
- Understanding your rights and responsibilities outlined in your service agreement
- Letting us know when we are doing a good job, or could be doing better
Your Rights and Responsibilities:
- The Lizard Centre will work with you, your family and anyone else responsible for making decisions regarding your child. We recognise your rights and responsibilities as a parent or guardian including your right to:
- Ask questions, to be listened to, and to share information. This allows us to tailor services to your child’s unique needs.
- Freely make informed decisions regarding your child’s best interests without pressure or coercion.
- Receive support in making informed decisions through the provision of information that is understandable to you (including with an interpreter or advocate).
- Be aware of the standard of service that you can expect and be certain that the service will be delivered in a safe manner that is respectful, and responsive to the social, cultural, and physical needs of your family.
- Participate in the selection of your support staff or refuse a service without prejudice around your future access to services.
- Exit the service in consultation with the Lizard centre, without prejudice or judgement.
- Provide feedback or complaints regarding the service your child is receiving without fear of criticism or retribution. Complaints should be dealt with promptly, fairly and in a non-threatening manner.
- Receive a support for your child that is free from abuse or neglect, or any type of bullying or unsafe practices that would likely cause harm to your child.
- Participate in the revision of our policies and procedures.
- We ask that as a consumer, you work in partnership with us, and that through this partnership, we establish ways of interacting including:
- Working with the Lizard Centre to make sure services and supports meet the needs of your child and family by communicating any feedback or suggestions regarding our service offerings.
- Treating the Lizard staff with respect and courtesy and ensure that they feel safe during all interactions with you or your child.
- Providing feedback regarding any concerns you should have about our services or supports at the time you notice them, so that we can support you and your family as best as we can.
- Provide the Lizard Centre with reasonable notice should you wish to cease your service agreement.
- Authorising payment of invoices as per agreed schedule, if required
The Lizard Centre’s Responsibilities:
- Respect, protect and fulfill the rights of your child and family as detailed here.
- Review our services with you as agreed.
- Work with you to provide supports that fit the needs of your child and family.
- Treat you, your child and any other representatives involved in making decisions for your child with courtesy and respect.
- Consult with you about decisions regarding your child and their services.
- Listen carefully to your feedback and resolve problems in a timely manner.
- Keep a clear record of services provided to your child and provide access to you as your child’s parent or guardian (or other representative if entitled).
- Protect the personal and confidential information related to your child and your family unless you provide consent to share otherwise.
- Issue regular and correct invoices and statements of support.
Culturally Appropriate Services and Communication
If you require an interpreter or have specific communication or cultural needs, please let us know so we can cater for your needs.
If you require any help understanding any of this information, please contact us on the number provided and we can explain this to you. For more information on how we support people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to access appropriate services, please see our Lizard Parent Information Package.
Advocacy is standing up for or representing another person who has specifically requested this assistance. People may seek support from a family member, a friend or agency at any time during the provision of supports. You can find further information about advocacy at: Disability Advocacy Network Australia: www.dana.com.au
Mandatory Reporting
Lizard staff members are mandatory reporters and are required to report any concerns regarding suspected significant risk of harm including abuse and neglect of a child to Family and Community Services.
In addition, they are required to report unauthorised restrictive practice to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
For other funding streams, additional mandatory reporting may include impact to reputation, significant organisational disruption, and concern of ongoing financial viability.
Your Feedback Helps Us to Improve
We strive to listen and constantly make improvements to the services we provide. We welcome and value your feedback as this is vital for our continuous quality improvement. We encourage you to share your concerns, compliments, suggestions and complaints regarding how our services are delivered.
You can contact us on: [email protected]
Alternatively, you can talk to a member of staff at all times